Saturday 15 September 2007

Mother Teresa's 18.250 dark nights of the soul

A new book of Mother Teresa's letters continues to cause a stir in the world of religion. It has now come to light that the saintly woman spent most of her life doubting the very existence of God.

It seems that this piece of information won't have much influence on the ongoing process of her canonization, although she is not likely to be officially made a saint as soon as it was initially thought. The Vatican commission in charge is apparently having trouble finding any solid evidence for a miracle that happened through her intercession, one among a number of requirements.

She is by no means the only Catholic saint (or saint-to-be) famous for her doubt and struggle with faith. Among more popular ones is a medieval mystic St John of the Cross. Some already make comparisons between Mother Teresa's collection of letters and St John's "Dark Night of the Soul."

Seems like a timely piece of work for this day and age.

More on this: an editorial from Mennonite Weekly Review and an excellent On Point (NPR) podcast.


  1. A profile like mine..., good taste.

    Let me introduce you the Writer

    He has, also, translated into Portuguese the Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith.

    He has been awarded several prizes.

    Don't forget the name of this great author, you'll be hearing of him soon.

    Thank you for spending time in Universal Culture.

    Thanks for visiting.

  2. OK, I'll try to remember that name. Thanks for the tip and thanks for visiting!
