Wednesday 3 October 2007


As if I didn't have too much on my plate already, I took up learning Esperanto. By learning I mean doing online exercises powered by Lernu!, the leading free Esperanto website. That and downloading mp3 audios for the listen-and-repeat tasks.

It's weird and it definitely sounds funny, but it doesn't strike me as easy as people generally assume. Which is why I'm wondering why would anyone put so much time and effort into learning an artificial language, when there are easy to learn natural languages like Spanish, with far more speakers than Esperanto? Not to mention cultural background, literature etc.

I guess it's about the idea of having one common language for all of humanity, not any one national language with its baggage and issues of cultural imperialism, but a politically, nationally and culturally neutral one that everyone could claim as their own, simply on account of being able to learn its vocabulary and syntax. No strings attached.

But Esperanto, too, has its share of ideological baggage. Most of its vocabulary is taken from Romance and Germanic languages, which makes it easily understandable, but also very eurocentric. Also, it seems to be prospering in countries like China and Iran, where it's used for ideological and propaganda purposes. There are also various Esperanto offshoots, new artificial languages relentlessly competing with each other in an atmosphere that can be described as sectarian.

As far as I'm concerned, it's all part of the fun, language itself and all the bickering about it. And if the worst thing that could happen to me is meeting a Chinese communist Esperanto enthusiast, I think I'll survive.


  1. Mi ghuis legi vian blogeron. Vershajne vi jam scias multe pri la Esperanto kaj aliaj planlingvoj!
    Chion bonan al vi!
    Mar Kardenas
    Estrino de la dissendolisto "Amikema"

  2. Given that mi estas komencanto, I can't respond fluently yet, but here's a big DANKON for you comment!
