Wednesday, 21 June 2006

Celebrate Summer

One of the things I have picked up along my spiritual path so far is the celebration of the ancient sacred days. While most people would identify them with (neo)pagan beliefs and practices, the fact is that all the major Christian holidays were originally pagan days of observance, clothed in Christian imagery during the first several centuries of the Common Era. Christianization of these holidays was supposed to show the all-encompassing superiority of the Christian creed, while heavily relying on pagan symbolism, rites and archetypes.

Going back to the authentic, Earth-based, meaning of these holidays, observing the cycle of the year and devising my own ways to honour it, gave a whole new quality to my spirituality, making it more positive, creative and less dependent on any particular religious or Church teaching. At the same time, it recognizes the Divine - however one might experience it - in the workings of Nature.

Tomorrow happens to be one of the most important solar holidays, the Summer Solstice or  Midsummer. If you want some facts and information about Midsummer celebrations in various cultures (both ancient and modern) and their rich symbolism, Religious Tolerance, Beliefnet, and BBC are great places to start.

Happy Summer Solstice and have a great summer!

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