Sunday 4 June 2006

Yucca will show them

For some inexplicable reason, none of the plants I've ever bought managed to stay alive for more than a few weeks. Sadness descends upon me whenever I remember a cute little bonsai I bought two years ago. I saw it in a garden centre and just had to have it. Within two weeks all of its tiny, dark green leaves turned brown. Another two weeks and all that was left of it was its miniature, leafless trunk. I thought it was going through a mini-autumn season of its own, supposing that bonsai trees, minuscule as they are, must have a different notion of time. Much like cats or dogs. I expected it to enter a verdant spring of its own in no time. It never recovered though. I've kept the poor tree as a decoration of some sort (it does look quite nice, although a bit morbid, lifeless and denuded as it is). It now also serves as a caveat, reminding me to think twice before I buy a plant I know nothing about. I've been keeping that rule ever since.

Until yesterday, that is. I dragged a friend with me to that same garden centre, as a safeguard against impulsive shopping. The same friend who not only encouraged me to buy that bonsai two years ago, but also got one for himself (similarly unfortunate, as time would show). To cut a long story short, meet two new additions to my home: Yucca and Pachira. Described as low-maintenance plants, tolerating all sorts of conditions and asking for only a little bit of sunlight and water (TLC goes without saying), they seemed just perfect. I keep gazing at them as I write, checking obsessively for any sign of malaise or discontent. I've decided that these two are to prove everyone (myself included) wrong in thinking that I have a lethal effect on plants, as some have implied. I'm prepared to do anything it takes for them to live a long and healthy life. And if they survive until spring, I may even feel encouraged to do some serious container gardening next year. Fingers crossed!

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